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Does Your Business Support the Schools?

A growing number of busi­nesses are affiliating themselves with local schools, giving time, money, and professional expertise to improve the educational system. What is the reason for this trend? Business leaders are recognizing that the schools alone cannot solve the complex problems that affect today's children and families. They also are increasingly con­cerned about the quality of the workforce of the future. 

As a way to improve their own employee pool down the road, businesses are ac­tively helping out in the following ways:

  • Adopt-a-school plans provide a variety of resources to a spe­cific school in the business's own community.
  • Financial and other incentives are given to children for staying in school.
  • Investments have been made in teacher-training programs.
  • Employees are given time away from work to attend parent-teacher conferences.
  • Students are being invited to spend a day at a business in the community to see how it operates.
  • During lunch hours, businesses offer parenting and health-related classes to their workers.
  • Businesses that hire students as part-time after-school employees are taking greater responsibility for the possible negative effect this work may be having on the students' performance at school.
Last Updated
Caring for Your School-Age Child: Ages 5 to 12 (Copyright © 2004 American Academy of Pediatrics)
The information contained on this Web site should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. There may be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.
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