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How to Get Fit & Stay Healthy: Tips for Teens

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Any type of regular physical activity can improve your fitness and your health—even walking, taking the stairs or mowing the lawn. The most important thing is that you keep moving!

4 benefits of physical activity

Being physically active can help:

  1. Keep you at a healthy weight. Keep in mind that each person's healthy weight is different—it depends on your height and body size. Ask your pediatrician what a healthy weight is for you.

  2. Prevent heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Research has shown that the risk factors for heart disease start during childhood. A lack of physical activity is one of the major risk factors for heart disease.

  3. Strengthen your bones. Regular exercise keeps bones healthy and can help prevent a bone disease called osteoporosis. This disease is common in older people and causes bones to break easily.

  4. Reduce stress. We all have stress, but learning to cope with it is an important way to stay healthy. Many things can cause stress, like problems with parents or friends or the pressures of school. Changes in life, like moving to a new home or breaking up with someone, can also cause stress. Exercise can help you relax and helps your body handle stress.

Know the basics: 4 types of fitness

To be fit, you might find it helpful to work on all aspects of fitness, including:

  • Aerobic endurance. This is how well your heart, lungs, and blood vessels provide oxygen and nutrients throughout your body. When you exercise, you breathe harder and your heart beats faster. These changes help your body get the oxygen it needs. If you are not fit, your heart and lungs have to work extra hard, even during everyday things, like taking the stairs. Examples of aerobic activities are basketball, running, and swimming.

  • Muscle strength and endurance. This type of fitness is the amount of work and the amount of time that your muscles can do a certain activity before they tire. The more fit you are, the longer you can play a sport, work out, or do other activities before you have to stop.

  • Flexibility. This is how well you can move and stretch your joints, ligaments, and muscles through a full range of motion. For example, people with good flexibility can easily bend over and touch the floor.

Make physical activity a routine part of your life

Physical activity should be a regular part of your day, like brushing your teeth, eating and sleeping. It can be in gym class, joining a sports team, or working out on your own. Keep the following tips in mind:

  • Stay positive and have fun. A good mental attitude is important. Find an activity that you enjoy. Ask a friend or family member to join you.

  • Take it one step at a time. Small changes can add up to better fitness. For example, walk or ride your bike or use the stairs when you can.

  • Get your heart pumping. Whatever you choose, make sure it includes aerobic activity that makes you breathe harder and increases your heart rate. Examples of aerobic activities are basketball, running or swimming.

  • Remember to warm up. Do some easy exercises or mild stretching before you do any physical activity. This warms your muscles up and may help protect against injury. Stretching makes your muscles and joints more flexible too. It is also important to stretch out after you exercise to cool down your muscles.

Other keys to a healthy lifestyle

In addition to exercise, here are some other ways to live a healthy lifestyle:

  • Spend less time in front of a screen, like your cell phone, TV, or computer or video games. Or do some exercise while watching a video, movie, or TV show.

  • Eat 3 healthy meals a day, including at l5 servings of vegetables and fruit, and 4 servings of low-fat dairy products.

  • Make sure you drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after any exercise. Water is best.

  • Stop drinking sweetened beverages, including sports beverages, or drink fewer of them.

  • Eat less junk food and fast food. (They're often full of unhealthy fats, carbohydrates, salt and sugar.)

  • Get 9 to 10 hours of sleep every night.

  • Don't use tobacco products (like cigarettes, e-cigarettes or vapes), drink alcohol, or use substances like cannabis.

More information

Last Updated
Get Fit, Stay Healthy (Copyright © 2022 American Academy of Pediatrics)
The information contained on this Web site should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. There may be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.
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